Sarah Glover is a lady with a mission. In fact, she’s a lady with a lot of missions; but they all spring out of her heart to serve. From helping team members in their homes, to looking after missionary children or national children, to learning language or freeing someone else up to learn language—Sarah has a servant’s heart.
Sarah literacy
Literacy students can now read for themselves
She’s also our literacy teacher. Just a few weeks after arriving on the field in 2010, she was given the task of teaching Pidgin literacy to adults and young people. She continues to lead classes for new learners and a separate reading club for those who want to hone their skills.
Sarah & Lynn language learning
Lynn teaching Sarah about language & culture
Her teammates get to see the fruit of her ministry in our church services. People, who just a short while ago were completely illiterate, are now turning in their Pidgin Bibles to follow the pastor as he teaches God’s word. Sarah’s heart for teaching is so evident in her patience with each student, and the Lord is blessing her efforts. Lives are being changed as people read and memorize God’s word!
Lit students follow along in their Bibles
Literacy students now can read the Pidgin Bible for themselves
Her real goal is to learn the Kamea language that she can begin working on the translation of the Scriptures into Kamea. She looks forward to the day that she can teach Kamea literacy. She’s not resting easy on that; she daily studies with her helper, Lynn. Sarah is also mentoring Lynn as a teacher, with a view to the day that Lynn becomes one of our Kamea literacy teachers.
Sarah & Lynn teaching
Sarah mentoring Lynn as a literacy teacher
Yes, Sarah is on a mission.