The island country of Papua New Guinea yields a myriad of sights and experiences. Hundreds of different language groups exist in this remote corner of the world, and many of these have not yet been reached with the Gospel. Overland travel is often difficult, and at times, impossible. Isolated by distance and geography, some tribes may only be reached by trekking through dense jungle or by air. Tribes are asking for someone to come and teach them God’s Word. Daily, souls enter eternity without ever hearing that Christ died for them.
A mission trip in December 2005 to visit our son Matt and his family burdened our hearts about the work among the Kamea people. John returned to the States and resigned his pastorate at Landmark Independent Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Selina left her position as a registered nurse in a local hospital and stepped down as a clinical nurse educator at a local community college. We began deputation full-time in June 2006, and arrived on the field in PNG in March 2008.
Local Church Missionaries
We believe the Bible teaches that missionary work is to be a function of the local church. We are sent out through our home church, Landmark Independent Baptist Church of Louisville, Kentucky.
Our Goals
Our ministry is to reach the lost for the Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to win them, disciple them, train them, and plant New Testament Baptist churches among the many villages in the Kamea region. Since arriving on the field in early 2008, we have assisted in planting two churches among the Kamea people, and have been involved in training several national men for the ministry. You can follow us on our update blog.
Translation of Scripture & Literacy Work
Papua New Guinea is an island nation made up of many different tribes who speak hundreds of different languages. Many of these languages are not written; therefore, there is no Scripture for them to read. These people must not only be reached with the Gospel, but the Bible will need to be translated into their languages. They also will need to learn to read and write; so although the task is great, it will be necessary in order to plant churches that will stand the test of time. We and our teammates are presently involved in developing literacy material for the Kamea people, and are in the early stages of translating Bible stories.
John and Selina are graduates of Baptist Bible Translators Institute and are trained in linguistics, culture analysis, and Bible translation.
Medical Missions Outreach
Medical care is sparse among the tribes of the mountains. Risk of major infectious diseases is very high, as is the occurrence of malaria and hepatitis. Infant mortality is high, and the life expectancy in PNG is a little over 55 years.
We have established a medical clinic in Kotidanga to treat the people of the mountains of Gulf Province. Kunai Health Centre sees several hundred patients each month. Our staff does things ranging from treating tropical diseases to handling life-threatening trauma cases.
Training medical workers for the villages in our region is a priority, and it will open doors for us to reach people with the life-changing Gospel of Christ. We are involved in on-going training of nationals to assist in the health-care needs of our tribal people.
Another of our ministries is our “Baby Milk Program.” When a baby’s mother has died, or if the mother is unable to breastfeed, this program supplements the child during the critical first year. Babies in the program are regularly examined and monitored as to their progress. You can follow our Baby Milk Updates on our blog. If you want to have a part in giving to this life-giving ministry, please follow this link.