When we arrived, there were believers in seven villages scattered throughout the Kamean region. Due to their traditional beliefs, however, the believers were mixing the life of Jesus Christ with a “sacred man” that they claimed was Jesus Christ. With a practice called syncretism, Satan was doing his best to destroy the new faith of these believers. Immediately, we worked to strengthen the Christians and root them in the Word of God. They had to come to a point where they believed Godiapania—God’s Talk. As one man told me, “The Bible is God’s talk, but everybody makes mistakes, even God.” For months, we prayed for wisdom as we presented God’s Talk as the final authority. As they grasped this concept, we were able to teach them about what God wanted them to know. We now have nine churches growing strong in the area, and Lord willing, we will have several trained national pastors ready to go out to help each of those churches within the next year.
Several other villages have asked us to come start a church in their area. Ipiya is a three day walk to our southeast. Wake is a day’s walk to our west. Pangoni is a day and a half walk to our northwest, and Yeka is a day’s walk to our northeast. Each of these villages have come and asked us to come and start a church in their areas.